Gambling issue?

2015-06-06 1:53 pm
I was given £2000 from my nan to buy a car or to help me for the future. A couple of months later I lost some money from betting. Only lost £100. However I tried to get this money back by putting on a guarantee bet to get back my £100. I ended up losing all of my £2000 what should I do. I am too scared and worried to tell my family what I have done. I am 18 years old

回答 (2)

2015-06-06 5:57 pm
The most important thing is to learn a lesson. If you gamble you will lose money, and if you gamble more you will lose more money. The £2000 gift is gone, and nothing you do can change that. If you learn that you will learned something that will help you in the future.

Based on my opinion and values, which may be different than yours, the best thing you can do is to get a part time job to replace the £2000 you lost with £2000 you earned,
2015-06-06 2:01 pm
i see you have posted another thread charlie... Claiming it's stollen to your bank won't help much then if you did indeed gamble away the money. Tough luck mate, but you can't just pretend it didn't happen. I'm not going to judge you on what you've done, but I wish you best of luck in trying to make things right. (I wouldn't suggest gambling MORE to try to win it back)

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 16:51:11
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