Do you think a 50yr old man would have interest in me?

2015-06-06 2:09 am

I am a 23yr old woman. I am a part time teacher and a part time tutor. I am mature for my age, and I have no interest in men my age because they play too many's just too much for me. There is an older man that I like, he's fit and so attractive, he looks about 35 but I found out that he's 50yrs old. Do you think he could ever have any interest in me out of all the women he's around, as a potential partner? Do you think he will see me as a baby?

回答 (5)

2015-06-06 12:42 pm
More than likely, he will be interested in you. So just flirt with him and see where it leads, but do make sure he's not married.
2015-06-06 5:44 am
This question is stupid...why wouldn't he be??? The person asking this dumb question is either a terrible troll or retarded or both. I just made 23 years, I'm female and look like a pinup, and my beau is 59, very fit, and doesn't even look 59.
2015-06-06 3:00 am
maybe maybe not ---- there is no way to say even if you gave more details --- if you are both single and classed as adults then show him some interest and see what he does
these people that think there are different "stages" to life really have no idea ---- sometimes the most loving relationships are with decades between them
ignore the children that have no idea how powerful real feelings can be ---- if you like him and he likes you then see where things lead
he could be the love of your life just as you could be the love of his life
2015-06-06 2:15 am
Oh men love love younger women. I'm sure he would be interested, but the chances of it actually working out are not the best. No matter how mature you think you maybe, your mindset is still completely different than that of a 50 year old. Both are at different places in life, he maybe planning retirement while you are still planning your life. That or he may just like the young sex. So yea I think he would but I wouldn't ring chapel bells or anything. Why not date a man around 30-35 at that age they are ready to start settling down and have their ducks in the row. If you were to marry this dude in 20 years he'll be 70 and that won''t be cool
2015-06-06 2:12 am
do i think a 50 year old man would be interested in a 23 year old intelligent woman who fancies him... hmm...let me think...

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