cards that allow you to pay outside of usa? Please tell me some credit/debit cards that allow buying from other countries.?

2015-06-06 1:29 am
I want to buy something from japan while online. But i know some cards don't allow this. I have bought a greendot card but now i can't use it outside of usa :(

回答 (3)

2015-06-06 7:24 am
VISA and MasterCard are accepted worldwide
2015-06-06 1:47 am
Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express all work internationally.

I just looked a Green Dot's web site (because I never heard of it). It's a prepaid debit card that lets you "Shop everywhere MasterCard® or Visa® debit cards are accepted in the U.S.". So that's why you can't use it outside the US.
2015-06-06 1:37 am

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