
2015-06-06 1:02 am
theoretically,catalyst are not consumed in reactions.Suggest why it is still
necessary to replace the used catalyst from time to time in the industrial process

回答 (3)

2015-06-07 9:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
Catalysts often gets "poisoned". For example, catalytic converters have vanadium but lead (e.g. in leaded petrol) can deposit on the vanadium and makes it unusable. Other things like dust also makes the catalysts less effective.

Heat sometimes causes the catalysts to degrade but poisoning is often more prominent.
參考: Me + Chemistry
2015-06-08 7:41 am
Catalytic converters are used in vehicles. Therefore, catalytic converters are NOT industrial process.
2015-06-08 6:11 am
Catalytic converters installed in vehicles seldom use vanadium (V); Platinum (PT), rhodium (Rh) & palladium (Pd) are used instead.

收錄日期: 2021-04-16 16:44:52
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