
2015-06-05 6:33 pm
請求翻譯以下成英文, 謝謝!


回答 (7)

2015-06-05 10:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Dear All,

The June 6 dinner will be changed to 13 June. Time and venue remain unchanged.

Please kindly accept our apology for the inconveniences thus caused.

Best regards,
2015-06-08 12:52 am
June 6 dinner party now changed place June 13 in the evening the same time, respect and understanding! _
2015-06-06 12:35 pm

It is confirms that the dinner party held on June 6th will be taken on June 13th instead without changing the place. For information please !!
參考: Myself
2015-06-05 11:13 pm
On June 6, dinner party is now changed to June 13th place at night time, please understanding
2015-06-05 9:01 pm
Please kindly note that the dinner reunion has now been scheduled on 13 June 2015, with the time and venue unchanged. Thank you for your kind attention.
2015-06-05 7:34 pm
The dinner gathering to be held on 6th June is now rescheduled to 13th June, venue and time remain unchanged.

Please accept our apology !

2015-06-05 19:03:22 補充:
如通告是由你「個人」發出 , the last line 應改為 :

Please accept my apology !
2015-06-05 6:52 pm
The proposed dinner gathering on June 6th is now rescheduled to June 13th, with the same place and same time. Thanks for your understanding.

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