Nursing or teaching as a career?

2015-06-05 3:59 am
Which do you recommend? Which career is harder to find work?

回答 (2)

2015-06-05 4:08 am
both careers are always in need, but it also depends on the location of which is in need of more. my mom's a registered nurse and have been with the same company since we moved to Illinois for about 12 years. my sister in law is a kindergarten teacher for about five years. my sister used to teach grade school, but is now an assistant principle

people are always leaving, retiring, or getting fired too.

if you're still eligible and qualified, you could consider getting a medical job with the military. you could be a nurse there, or a doctor if you have a medical degree. but i believe they will train you for a nurse if you test well enough for that job. i believe most, if not all branches have some type of nursing / medical jobs.

browse the branches websites for what careers are there. see which branch you might be interested in joining. if you're unsure of either after browsing, go see a recruiter for all branches or the one you know you want to join. they will tell you the next steps in the recruiting process, see if you officially qualify, and have you take a practice ASVAB (basic high school knowledge) to see if you can take the real one, which helps determine which careers you can do. (i don't know if there's anything else you need for a medical job though).

then you can enlist in the military for four - six years depending on your first contract, and either stay if you enjoy it, or leave and use the GI bill for further education if you wish and look for jobs.

good luck.
2015-06-05 4:18 am
Teaching requires a school for employment, and new schools aren't being built in abundance. Their pay isn't great, but you get the summers off (which is great, until you have to get another job in the Summer months).

Nursing, on the other hand, comes with more schooling, but also a higher chance for hire. Many lists have designated nursing as a booming career field. However, be warned: you must put up with pretentious Doctors, occasionally unruly patients, and long hours.

With all things considered, I would choose nursing. (This is merely my opinion) but it is far more rewarding and a better career with room for improvement. Teaching has no room to improve your ranks in the workplace, while nursing introduces daily challenges and new people to meet daily.

~ good luck and I hope this helps ~

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