Can I call the emergence in this case ?

2015-06-04 8:35 am
If my mum locks the kitchens door and open it the time that suits her only! I tried to do the best I can to live in peace but nothing is working + we live at a house that is paid by the government so it s not her house!
I m 19


回答 (4)

2015-06-04 8:54 am
It is her home, and at 19 you can go and live elsewhere if you don't like it at home.
Are you laying about all day, not working and eating food she paid for ?
perhaps that is why the door is locked.
2015-06-04 8:37 am
You're just gonna have to move out or tell her how you feel-whichever is less scary for you
2015-06-04 2:40 pm
It is her house. at 19 you can go live elsewhere. No, no need to call nothing will be done.
2015-06-04 9:09 am
Sounds like ur mum's fed up of you,
You're 19 mate go get a job and find ur own accommodation, you'll then be able to do whatever the hell you like 👍

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