
2015-06-05 4:02 am

回答 (2)

2015-06-05 8:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你覺得既難忘, 係實物, 定係想法 / 教訓?

如果係實物, 可以係一件貼心既禮物, 一個合你心意既生日會, 定係其他?

如果係想法 / 教訓, 由咩新聞 / 事件令你有人生既領悟?

短講2分鐘, 主要講求快速入題, 事例清楚, 引申明白, 以及言語間既停頓留白, 所以要舉既例子通常都係得一個, 重點係領悟同感想果度, 而字數, 多都都係 200 字之內.

試試先寫完, 再講一次, 想一下點樣表達, 同埋文句上有冇多餘既地方.

我可以講, 短講, 比你想像中難好多既~ 亦係直接表示你中文水平既測試.
參考: 自己
2015-06-05 5:01 am
hi , i hope i can i help you~~!^^

1.First , you need to talk about what is your unforgettable's gift .
(For example: Music Box?? Book?? Wooden gift??....)

2.Then , you can tell us who give you this unforgettable's gift .
(For example , Teacher? Mother?Friend?.....)

3.Next , you can tell us what's look like your unforgettable's gift .
(For example , outfit , colour , special decoration....)

4.Then , you also can started to tell about what happened before you think this is your unforgettable's gift .

5.After that , you can talk about the reason you think this is unforgettable's gift and
keep until today .
(For example , it mean friendship? think or miss someone?thankful?.....)
2. and 3. can change~!^^
If i talking......it will be :
(Friend and gift)

Today , i want to talk about...........(topic).................. . It's Music Box.... .
This gift(Music Box) is sent by my friend called Amy .The music Box is square , have a pink colour , very cute . There also have some teddy bear on the top .
Why will she give me this gift? The things is that.......
We are...best friend , we play together , For celebrate our friendship , we're going to buy the music box ........But One day............................. , i can't see her
anymore , it's mean friendship , real friendship!!so.... , it is unforgettable's gift
that amy has given to me.....
That's all , thank you .^^
Thank for watching , add oil!!
參考: myself

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