Does melted plastic releases toxins?

2015-06-04 3:02 am
I was using a hot glue gun and it accidentally touched a ziploc bag and made three holes.

回答 (6)

2015-06-04 3:03 am
Oh my God, people live in such fear of toxins. All smoke is chock full of toxins. But somehow humans are the most numerous mammal on the planet.
2015-06-05 6:26 am
BURNING plastic releases toxins. Melting plastic, maybe not so much; it just rearranges the molecules into a different shape.
2015-06-04 12:30 pm
So sorry - too late to do anything now - R.I.P.
2015-06-04 7:29 am
Some plastics do burn with a lot of soot and harsh gases. I don't think a plstic bag getting touched by a glue gun is going to give you instant brain damage.
2015-06-04 6:36 am
Yes, they have to be burned in excess of 2000 degrees fahrenheit or serious amounts of dioxin will be generated.

They are usually burned at power plants in the high pressure boiler to completely break them down by combustion.

A little smell from melting wont be any issue at all.
2015-06-04 3:03 am
i don't think so.

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