Should I lie on my job application?

2015-06-03 10:53 pm
I'm 15 and my birthday is in a couple of months and I really want to apply for Wendy's.

回答 (5)

2015-06-04 12:39 am
No, you'll get caught if you lie. Don't worry, Wendy's will still be there in a
couple of months.
2015-06-03 11:05 pm
Lol well.. I wouldn't lie because if you get hired before your birthday you and the company could get in a lot of trouble. I think a job at Wendy's can wait a couple of months.
2015-06-03 11:00 pm
Lying is never a good idea, and especially when you are trying to get someone to hire you. What would you do if you lied and gave them the application, and they said "Great! We want you to start tonight! Here is your uniform." ? Um, er, um, gee, I'm not really 16 yet.

What you CAN do is go in there and ask them if you can leave an application for consideration, and that you will be old enough to start in 2 months. They might tell you to come back then and that is what you must then do, but they might also say "Yeah, go ahead and leave it with us now. We have someone leaving in a couple of months and it will be great to have someone waiting in the wings."
2015-06-03 10:58 pm
No they are going to eventually find out anyway. Plus your so close to the age of hire, some of the jobs would most likely take you anyway.
2015-06-03 10:58 pm
This won't do you any good--they will want proof of your age. You can't provide that. So don't lie about it.

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