How can i reject and avoid someone politely?

2015-06-03 9:42 pm
so i kinda met this new guy who added me on facebook. I dont know if he's interested in me or if he just want to be friends. But i just don't really want to have much interaction with him. he said hey:) to me on facebook, and i don't know if i should reply. I feel like it's polite to reply, but then we'll have to start a conversation. But if i don't, when i see him in person next time, he might ask me why i didn't reply or something, making things awkward. Also, if he ask my number or ask me to hangout how should i reject it nicely. Especially when he is interested in my sister at the same time, and my sister and i are very alike. I just really don't like how this thing is going.

回答 (1)

2015-06-03 9:54 pm
I think depending on your age dudes always have the more than friends thought in the back of their heads. Usually when someone is interested in me and I'm not feeling it I become very disengaged. I try not to ignore people because you're right, it would be awkward to see them and because it's better for you as a person to be more direct. . . but not mean obviously. Anyway, if you do respond maybe don't respond to his texts/messages right away - though dudes might then see you as either playing hard to get or being hard to get, both in my experience make them try harder - so you want to make sure nothing you say could be interpreted as flirty. Don't use exclamation marks, don't volunteer information about yourself, just don't be super friendly or super into whatever he is saying. This is all what I would do with the situation you described. I used to be an advocate of always being SUPER direct and telling them you're not interested in them romantically but more often than not a guy will say they just want to talk or be friends or whatever but really want more or see more as a possible future option. Last but not least, you shouldn't feel like you have to do anything. If you don't want to respond, don't respond. If he starts a conversation and wants to hang out or something I would just tell him you are super busy and you don't have time. WHICH SUCKS because you shouldn't have to lie, you should be able to just be direct but guys are idiots mostly and you don't want to fuel the fire by seeming unobtainable. Good luck!

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 15:35:40
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