I am bringing my CA-registered vehicle from California to Texas for a year, what actions do I need to take?

2015-06-03 6:57 pm
I am currently living in Los Angeles, CA and have a car registered in California (I have a CA driver license as well). I am going to temporarily relocate from LA to Austin, TX for about a year for my job. I am not sure what I need to do in order to legally drive the car in Texas. Do I need to register the car in Texas DMV? Do I also need to get a Texas driver license? Because I would be back to LA after around a year, not sure if I am still required to do all these things.

回答 (3)

2015-06-03 8:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If you are not planning on becoming a permanent resident of the state of Texas you will want to keep both your CA drivers license and your CA vehicle registration. A tricky bit would be if you needed a CA emissions certificate within the year you plan on living in Austin. Hopefully you will not. If you do, however, you would need to return to CA to do so.

Bottom line, as long as your CA license is current and your vehicle has up to date CA registration you can legally drive in Texas for your stay.
參考: Current CA resident, previous Austin resident.
2015-06-03 7:01 pm
Since you will only be there a year, honestly, I think you can just keep your registration as is. Here in NY, a lot of people have homes in Florida, and they register their cars there and have Florida licenses because it's cheaper, but they can legally drive here all they want.
2015-06-03 6:58 pm

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