Feeling weird after smoking weed?

2015-06-03 10:04 am
The other day I smoked two bowls and since my tolerance is extremely low (because it was only my 4th time) I got quite stoned. Everything was super slow motion and if I would grab something I wouldn't even feel myself touch it till a few seconds after. Also whenever I spoke I couldn't tell if I just thought it it said it. Whenever I thought to myself it would like show up in my vision and had a special shape..like I was looking at what I said and every noice I heard had a special shape that would show up in my vision. So the next day I had the same slow motion feeling and the lack of sense of touch. And sometimes I'll do something and it feels like I imagined myself doing it. Why do I still feel like this and how long is it going to last. I did not get scared at all during the high and no anxiety attacks either. I still have some left over weed but will I have the same hangover feelings? Btw this is my third day after being high and I have a lack for the feeling of touch and I still feel a little in slow motion.

回答 (1)

2015-06-03 10:11 am
don't smoke weed

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