What's your worst caught mastrubating story??

2015-06-03 4:40 am
Just curious :) I was mastrubating to porn and I hear my parents walk by and I turn off my TV but my computer (Mac that hooks up to flatscreen TV's) decided to play sound and the girl was moaning really load and fast and they walked in to the sound even though the TV was off :D!! I got my computer taken away for 2 months

回答 (6)

2015-06-03 5:01 am
Catholic parents, fully naked on the floor, gay porn. Not just embarrassing, one of the worst days of my entire life.
2015-06-03 4:48 am
Uh, nothing like that ever...happened...to me. That's the worst most embarrassing experience I've ever heard anyone having before.

Just kidding. Embarrassing stuff happens to everybody. Just adjust your behaviors so that you won't fall victim to embarrassment in the future. Cheers.
2015-06-03 5:06 am
i may have gotten walked in on but i'd just stare them down until they walked back out again.
2015-06-03 4:49 am
Don't masturbate. This shouldn't be posted in Religion & Spirituality.
2015-06-03 4:44 am
2015-06-03 4:44 am
Haha that's a great story!! xD

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