Can I fight a tint ticket?

2015-06-03 1:06 am
So I was pulled over in SoCal a few months back for tinted windows. The officer gave me a fix it ticket and I called to post-pone it twice due to school/finals. I called a few days ago (before my deadline) to set a court date. Long story short - the officer didn t use a tint meter, he had sunglasses on, and he wrote a some wrong informatino on my ticket. I then received a notice in the mail and my name was spelled wrong... So do I have a chance of winning this in court? To be honest my windows aren t even that dark, I got pulled over a few weeks ago and the officer didn t say anything about how dark my windows were..

回答 (3)

2015-06-03 1:17 am
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Yes, but you will have to find out what the State standards are, and what kind of evidence they require to show that your windows are in compliance. Obviously they will need something more objective than the officer's eyesight. Maybe you could go to the shop where they would "fix" your tint. I assume they can tell whether your windows are in compliance or not.
2015-06-03 1:11 am
You won't win because of misspellings or slightly incorrect info. Try anyway, the judge may be in a good mood that day.
2015-06-03 1:08 am
Yeah.. good luck... what exactly are you going to tell the judge..... the officer had shades on and you don't think they are very dark ?? Think that will work ??

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