Answer this please!?

2015-06-02 9:51 pm
You are working on an important team project.One of the team members is clearly not pulling his weight.What action will you take?

A.Speak with my manager

b.try to remove the team member from the group harder to compensate

d.try to help bring the team member up to date

e. talk with the team member to clarify responsibilities nothing

回答 (3)

2015-06-02 9:57 pm
speak to the individual in a non threatening neutral environment,and find out why, then speak to his/her boss.
2015-06-02 11:19 pm
I would (E) talk with the team member. It may or may not help but if it does not then you could (A) speak to the manager and explain that you have spoken to the team member with no success and ask for his/her removal.
2015-06-02 9:54 pm

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