What Happens If My Iphone 4s Breaks?

2015-06-02 9:43 pm
I got the Iphone 4s last year, and my plan doesn't end until next year, but I noticed on the Verizon Wireless site that they don't sell the 4s Anymore... So if something were to happen to my 4s would I get a newer Iphone?

回答 (4)

2015-06-02 10:48 pm
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They'll keep a stock of refurbished models to cover warranty claims for unrepairable phones; the last thing they want is to encourage fraudulent claims in order to get free upgrades.

At their option they might exchange a broken and unrepairable 4s for a basic refurbished 5 or 5c when they have no more 4s models in stock, but most policies include a clause allowing insurers to simply pay a fair settlement sum instead.
2015-06-03 2:59 am
No. Unless it is insured you would get no phone at all and would have to buy a replacement at your own expense.
If you have insurance Assurion would send you a refurbished iPhone 4S
2015-06-02 10:04 pm
well i don't think so may be they will try to repair.
2015-06-02 11:52 pm
You'll get a refurbished 4S. Do you think they are stupid?

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 11:22:12
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