Can I call the police in this case ?

2015-06-02 9:19 pm
If my mum locks the kitchens door and open it the time that suits her only! I tried to do the best I can to live in peace but nothing is working + we live at a house that is paid by the government so it s not her house!
I m 19
In the UK

回答 (4)

2015-06-02 9:29 pm
So what you mean is she has a curfew for you and you keep violating it. Get home before she locks the door. If the house is paid for by the government, it will still be in her name. And she has every right to lock the kitchen door whenever she wants. Has it ever occurred to you to get a KEY?
Or get a job and get your own place.
2015-06-02 9:37 pm
If she's keeping you (a legal adult) locked in the house, wouldn't that be kidnapping?
(Though she's not forced to allow you to live with her.)

If she's stopping you from accessing food, by locking the kitchen, that's at least unethical.

If it's just a curfew, she's probably allowed to do that, as it's her property, unless you have a written rental contract. Though that's still unethical since it's forcing you to sleep outside; depending on where you live, that might not be safe.

I understand that it is difficult to find a job right now, but keep applying, and you'll be able to move out to your own apartment or a flatshare.

Since you're a legal adult, if you're unemployed, look into unemployment benefits and housing benefits, and if you're employed see if you can find a flatshare, so you can move out and split the cost of rent with people.
2015-06-02 9:19 pm
2015-06-02 9:24 pm
" officer my mom sometimes locks the kitchen door...please arrest her" lol! No don't bother the police. There is no law against locking the kitchen door. Anywhere.

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