Should i continue with keyboard when i don t really have time anymore?

2015-06-02 1:46 pm
So i started out piano when i was about 12, and im nearly 17 now. Well, because i dont practise it too often, and my parents dont force me to do those tests, i never really became "good" enough. Sometimes i even see little kids who play a lot better than me making me feel sh*t. But anyway, so im in year 11 now, and everything is just so stressful, i have so many assignments and exams coming up, and i still have work, sometimes i have to go look after my grandma and all, i feel so tired and like, i have never actually relax for a day. I don t know if i should keep going with my piano lessons because obviously, i have to practise it to a certain extend so that my teacher can continue to teach me every week. But i feel like if i give up now, i will regret it. I mean i do like piano, but i don t know if i have the strength to handle so many things, and stress myself out..?

回答 (1)

2015-06-02 1:52 pm
first loose virginity

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