
2015-06-02 8:05 am

「我們寄出了幾個catalogue ,你喜歡嗎」


回答 (6)

2015-06-02 9:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
The translation from C/E with minor amendment:-
(1)We sent out several catalogues, do you like it?

(2)Are you interested in look and buy some of the products?

(3)Catalogues of items of products are in your shopping preferences connected with your particular taste. We've selected online accordingly !

(4)Which matching style do you like? We'll arrange it for you ASAP.

(5)We make a bargain for you.

(6)That happened to be approved by the management.

2015-06-06 00:21:33 補充:
Amendment on 5 details concerned:-(1)Do you like our Co.'s mailed catalogs?(2)Any products/favourite items interest you?(3)Products are based on your shopping preference(gd sent.)(4)Your preferred itemsASAP.(5)To negotiate a discount for you,but to be approved by our Management !
2015-06-05 8:56 am
KEY: 簡潔


「我們寄出了幾個catalogue ,你喜歡嗎」
We have sent a few catalogues. Do you like them?

Are there any products that interest you?

The products in the catalogue are selected based on your shopping preference.

We will prepare your chosen items as soon as possible.

We will try our best to negotiate a discount for you, but this requires approval from the management level.
2015-06-02 9:06 pm
「我們寄出了幾個catalogue ,你喜歡嗎」 <-- We have already send you some catalog, please kindly advise if any you are interest in. thanks.

「有沒有哪些產品你有興趣啊?」 <-- is any item you interest in?

「catalogues之內的產品都是按照你的購物喜好,我們再精選出來的」<-- please note that the catalog included all the favor items you need

「你喜歡的款式我們會幫你盡快安排啊?」 <-- if any item you have interest, please kindly advise then we will arrange accordingly.

「我們嘗試幫你爭取優惠吧」 <-- Moreover, if you have more items order, we will try to offer you special discount

「但也要待管理層批准呢」 <-- base on further confirmation.

** 中文既意思有問題, 如果係要推介產品, 以及想對方買多的, 言詞有問題, 我中文會咁寫.

我方因應你的需求, 寄出了數個目錄給你參考, 其中包括了數個精選的產品, 相信可以迎合你的要求. 如果有喜歡的物品, 請通知我們, 我方隨時會為你服務.

當然, 我方都會提供有關優惠, 如果物品項目總額達到 hkd XXXX.XX, 我方會提供9 折優惠, 以及免費送貨服務.

** 你文章的缺點是, 你要吸引人去買東西, 就要一次將最吸引人的優惠提出, 而不是要對方下了單, 再問老闆是否有優惠, 客人是沒有耐性等你的.


hi, Mr / Ms xxx
Thanks for your interest in our product first, in order to submit situable items, we send you some catalog with special favor items for your review.

If you have any items that you are interest in, please don't hesitate to tell us and we pleased to service anytime.

On the other hand, we will offer you special 10% discount for the purchase item over hkd XXXX.XX and door to door service in free.

Hope you enjoy our item and service and looking forward to seeing you in future.

your sincerely
參考: 自己
2015-06-02 7:13 pm
「我們寄出了幾個catalogue ,你喜歡嗎」
Do you like our mailed catalogue ?
Are there any product which are interested by you?
All the products within these catalogues are being selected according to your preference.
About the style, we'll try our best to arrange for you.
As for the preference, we'll try our best to meet you.
About the preference, it will still depend on the permission of our senior's authority.
參考: Mainly according to the Dictionary
2015-06-02 7:13 pm

It is with great regret that all your six sentences are wrong.

2015-06-04 09:19:14 補充:

if any you are interest in..
is any item you interest in
if any item you have interest
interest 全用錯

The first sentence of the letter is a run-on sentence.
... we pleased to service anytime.~ 錯,
pleased 是 adjective, we are pleased ... service 是 transitive verb, 要有 object

2015-06-04 09:29:40 補充:
sent (p.p.) 不是 send
looking forward to seeing you ... The subject is... ?
Mail order 要見顧客?
是 some catalogs (plural) ~ not "catalog"
"situable items"? ?
favour item? ~ favourite item
included 是 past tense. Why?
Yours sincerely, not "your sincerely"

2015-06-04 20:09:27 補充:

Do you like our mailed catalogue(s) ? 不是一個
Are there any products which interest you?
"products " 要 agree with "are", 小心 interest (v) 如何用
senior's authority ~ 錯

"爭取優惠" 不是 "try our best to meet you" , 盡力滿足你或見你 ??
2015-06-02 1:08 pm
我們寄出了幾個catalogue , 你喜歡嗎?
We have already sent out several catalogues. Do you like them?

Have you found any products that you are interested (in)?

The products as shown in the catalogues are carefully selected (by us) according to your buying preference.

你喜歡的款式我們會幫你盡快安排啊? (why ?)
We will arrange to deliver your preferred model/type as soon as possible.

We will try our best to get you a discount.

However, it has to be approved by our Management.

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