Did the US government really do 9/11? Why are people saying this?

2015-06-01 5:56 pm
What makes people think this???

回答 (11)

2015-06-01 11:23 pm
"Did the US government really do 9/11?"

"Why are people saying this? "
Mental deficiencies. ie. They're suffering from paranoid delusions.
2015-06-01 9:09 pm
Certainly not, some people are just a tad paranoid seeking conspiracies everywhere until they find them when they don't really exist.
2015-06-01 9:11 pm

Conspiracy theorists seem to spend all their time finding ways western governments are behind every disaster going even when the whole idea is quite ridiculous. I have no idea about their agenda.
2015-06-03 11:47 am
The bourgeoise probably did it.
2015-06-02 8:07 pm
I find this hard to believe
however many people do think this
2015-06-02 9:58 am
Q Why are people saying this?
A They all have one thing in common. They are morons.
2015-06-07 8:39 am
People DON'T think. They don't ask questions. They simply watch the 6 o'clock news on TV and believe everything they're told. That's the human race today. If it survives, many years from now this period will be known as "the dark ages," when people were almost (but not quite) as intelligent as Homer Simpson ...
2015-06-06 5:16 am
"Did the US government really do 9/11?"

Nope. Citizens of more than 80 countries died in the 9/11 attacks. Not just Americans.
Deliberately murdering the citizens of sovereign nations in cold blood is an Act of War.
If the US were responsible for 9/11, those countries would have retaliated economically/militarily/etc.

Reality is that not one of those countries (their governments, intelligence services, militaries, news media, etc) have substantiated anything claimed by 9/11 nuts because there's nothing to substantiate.

In sum total, none of the World's 200+ countries have substantiated anything claimed by 9/11 nuts either.

"Why are people saying this?"

Because gullible idiots scammed by 9/11 hoaxes are simply too damn stupid to know any better.
Or they want to believe conspiracy theories to the point they're in pathological denial.
Or just too damn lazy to look up all the stuff that disproves and debunks conspiracy nonsense.
2015-06-03 1:27 am
The theory goes that 9/11 is part of a Hegelian Dialectic performed by the US in order to maintain and spread its hegemony. Its created the War on Terror era, after all.

Some conspiracy theorists are absolute idiots but some do offer some evidence as to why they think they did it.

One of the main reasons is how the US government tried to cover it up by presenting false information. Such as steel melting at over 2500 df when jet fuel melts at 1800df.
Also there is a documentary created by 2000 architects and engineers that debunk the official story.
Little things like that. Make your own conclusion
2015-06-02 12:20 pm
There is a very small but vocal group of non-thinkers out there who's first response to any major tragic event is "a gubmint did it" and they never deviate from that initial conclusion in spite of all evidence to the contrary.

These people are best avoided.

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