The chances of a teen getting something like throat cancer? I've been to the doctor?

2015-05-31 10:31 pm
The most important thing for me to rule out, is I'm nearly 18, I've never smoked in my life, I only drink 2-4 glasses of wine on special occasions, which is every two months or, I have my vitamins and minerals (thanks to my very healthy parents), and lastly, I live in a major city (London). Now, after having 2 colds since March, it has come to my attention that for 2 weeks, I've had phlegm dripping down my throat, a sensation of phlegm stuck in my throat and now I have chest pain when coughing and it feels like I'm being choked by my own airways. I've been to the doctor, I've had a full examination of my throat and breathing, and I've been told that it's either a cause of stress or simply something viral. I've HAD a blood test and the result came 5 days ago as I'm writing. The doctor prescribed my drugs that will remove the phlegm, it's helped a little, now came back. I still have these symptoms, but somethings come to my mind and the scare is because in 2013, my aunt died from lung cancer. Obviously I don't feel anything with my lungs, it's the throat that's bothering me. So, chances of me having throat cancer?

回答 (5)

2015-05-31 10:34 pm
Yes of course you have cancer. Bugger what the doctor said, what would he know. Years of specialist education and ongoing training and he's clearly too stupid to see your advanced throat cancer. You are what doctors call a ******* idiot.
2015-05-31 10:46 pm
The chances are zero.

Think about this - - you went to a doctor who has thousands of hours of specialized training and who knows how much experience, but you think they must be wrong, and someone here is going to have a magically correct diagnosis without examining you.

Never mind that the majority of people on aren't old enough to drive.

Come on now.
2015-06-01 2:57 pm
Worst case wil be asthma but sounds like sinus problem, Good Luck
2015-06-01 12:41 am
Slim to None....
2015-05-31 10:58 pm
You have had a bad cold.

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