
2015-05-31 3:10 pm
Okay so I like this guy and it was easy hard to tell which way he leans If he was into me or not so I just asked him and he is he just said that before he makes a move or anything he likes to make sure he's good friends with them because he does long term relationships he doesn't want just a fling which I totally understand my problem is that we both haven't been in a relationship in a really long time and this guy has the same name, same oriental race, and is using the same process as my ex. Me and my ex we're best friends for a year before anything happened between us and dated for 10 months honestly he damaged me he really hurt me and made me terrified of moving forward so I'm trying with this guy and it's so hard especially with everything being kind of the same I never wanna feel the way my ex made me feel again I just don't wanna get hurt like that it really hard for me. And before this new guy I was taking to someone I knew since 6th grade but I was so terrified that I backed out and did everything possible to push him away I don't want to do that with this guy so should I tell him my past like what happened it or not because I feel like if I do he'd not want anything to do with a damaged girl....

回答 (1)

2015-05-31 3:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I mean, it's better to be honest, explain to him your fear of relationships due to your horrific past with your ex-boyfriend, and make em understand that you are willing to move forward, it's just you're a bit hesitant & maybe with some understanding on his part, you may both plunge forward..

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