
2015-06-01 4:47 am

回答 (2)

2015-06-15 12:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Before you even get started, youneed to have the "can do" attitude. If you keep using excuses "Idon't have time for this" and "I don't want to do that," youwill spend the rest of your life finding excuses.
~ Invest in Yourself ~
讀 -- Read books. You can find all kinds of booksin the library. Read the easy ones first. Use the dictionary for words you donot understand. It is OK to read books with words & pictures.It is OK to read the same book several times.
聽 -- Listen while you arewatching the English channels on TV. The pictures on the TV will help youunderstanding what you are hearing. It is OK to watch cartoons. (Actually, theyare the best.) Watch documentaries. Watch the news. You will not learn from themusic channels (they do not always use proper English.) You will not learn fromthe sports channels (they talk too fast for learners.)
寫 -- Practice writing.
抄書 -- Copy a paragraph a day fromthe books that you read.
作文 -- Start writing diary inEnglish. Write at least something every day. Use spell and grammar check (aswith a word processor.) Do not worry if your writings are good or not. No onewill see it. No one will care how much you write in your diary. Post yourquestions in English. You will not learn until you force yourself to practice.
講 -- Practice speaking.
唸書 -- Recite a paragraph a day fromthe books you read.
會話 -- Talk to yourfriends/sisters/brothers/parents/teachers in English. (Real friends will helpyou to better yourself. 只有酒肉朋友不會幫你學習英文。) Talk toyourself in front of the mirror. Record yourself speaking. Play it back toyourself. (You can send phone messages to yourself; use digitalcamera/recorder, media recorder on computer, Web cam, tape recorder, etc.)
Do these every day for at least a year. (Not just for several days, few weeksor couple months.) I guarantee your English will improve. If your English doesnot improve, tell me about it. In English, of course.
參考: Copying from other's composition of yahoo knowledge website
2015-06-21 8:39 pm







一、TutorABC 馬上體驗 http://j.gs/5qHn

二、English town 免費試聽 http://j.gs/5lFB

二、Tutor4u空中美語免費試聽 http://j.gs/5lFD

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