
2015-05-31 7:50 pm


1, 如果我不簽,是否可以拿回訂金?

2. 由於我舊租已退租,所以如果不簽便可能找不到屋住,如果簽下,之後業主話我養狗,是否可以要我立即搬出?

3. 如果已簽租約,例如一個月後業主話我養狗要我搬出,我搬出後,是否要給業主之後的十一個月租金(因為是一年死約)?


回答 (3)

2015-05-31 9:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Yes, but not without obstacles.

Based on your information, you have the right to void the agreement. However, it is not an automatic process. The landlord will definitely object and the agent will definitely deny any wrongdoings.

In that case, the court and/or the EAA may have to be involved.

2. Yes. However, for for-cause eviction, the landlord usually gives days to tenants to move out, as it takes months for a court order to force the tenants out.

3. No.

The easiest way to resolve this issue is to press on the agent.

Since the agent misrepresents the issue, the agent will be ultimately responsible for all damages from both sides. As the agent does not want the situation to be worsen, he/she will have to work on a amicable solution for both sides.

Also - express to the landlord regarding your concern. It may not be possible to convince the landlord to allow pets. But, the landlord may be able to let you stay (without the pet) for a short term so that you can find some other suitable places, and go after the agent/company afterward.
2015-06-04 11:27 pm
2015-05-31 8:03 pm

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