Bmw, battery lights on, steering wheel VERY stiff, overheated, steam from under hood, water pouring out?

2015-05-30 11:35 pm
I have a 99 bmw 328Ci, I realise my steering wheel got a bit stiff on my way home tonight. I didnt take it seriously as it happened before, I did a wheel alignment and it was gone. But this time as I drove it got worse, I noticed my battery light was on. As I almost arrive home(2 corners) it got so stiff I had to force it to turn. I finally arrived my garage and I stop to back it up. I saw steam coming out from under the hood (just as I stopped) so I turned the engine off. I stepped out and saw a big pile of water (colourless) underneath my car, it was no leak, it was pouring out fast, at least 2 litres. I just put it neutral and pushed it into my car space. I googled some articles they say it should be a torn serpentine belt? My question is, when water is pouring out that quickly, what is possibly damaged? Should I bother fixing it at all? Cause I heard once an engine is overheated, no matter how briefly, it will continue to cause problems?

回答 (5)

2015-05-31 1:11 am
Maybe, maybe not. It definitely sounds like the belt came off. Just replace it and pay attention to your coolant level to make sure the head gasket is ok.
2015-05-30 11:48 pm
Did you look to see if the belt was still on it? If it wasn't steering and overheated, then the belt is probably drives the water pump and power steering pump and alternator. As for the water, it could be leaking from the water pump...sometimes those pumps will throw off the belt when they go bad..just check and see if you can tell where it is leaking. Also, how far did you drive it hot and how long did it run...if it was VERY brief, then you are alright...What happens alot of times is the heat will actually warp steel parts and the cylinder heads can be warped by heat and cause the head gasket to blow and pretty much cause alot of problems...If it was very brief though, you should be fine..
2015-05-30 11:56 pm
You never did say if you even opened the hood. Do you know where the hood opening lever is? An overheated coolant system can cause many things, including bursting hoses and radiators.
2015-05-30 11:51 pm
Engine overheated, seized up and died. It's going to cost you a barrel of money to get it fixed.

Probably a hose burst. That can be fixed. If the engine got so hot there's a strong chance the head was damaged- maybe $1500 just for the part. If you're lucky to spilled coolant wet up the belt and it couldn't spin the power steering pump, making it go stiff. Now that it's daylight, you should raise the hood and see what you can tell. I can't see it and there's no book with your exact car in it to study- your car , not all the beemers on the road.
2015-05-30 11:48 pm
If you read the owner's manual of this car you shall notice that the brand is BMW. These are the initials for Bavaria Motor Works, of course, in German, same as International Business Machines is IBM. There are named acronyms and they are not words. That means that BMW, IBM, USA, etc. are all capitalized. Please capitalize acronyms properly. As to the car, the power for the coolant pump, alternator, power steering and power brakes comes from the engine via the serpentine belt. When the car is not running but the key in in the ON position you shall see similar icons and effects such as the heavy steering wheel. However, why worry as to what happened instead of being concerned as to where to have the car towed for proper repairs? The only "fix" needed is a new belt. Of course, the technician should check all "vitals" such as coolant quantity, oil quantity, brake fluid, power steering fluid etc. so make sure there was no damage.

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