Does faith even exist?

2015-05-30 4:03 am
I believe in God, so everytime something good happens to me i thank him. But at the same time , i don't know if he exists, and for ex: you see a guy you have been crushing on at the store that you were about to not go in but you go in anyway and you see him , and then you end up going out JUST BECAUSE you decided to go into that store. This is just an example, it didn't happen to me. But would you call that faith? or just a coincidence? How do we know?

回答 (12)

2015-05-30 4:04 am
If you look at people going to creation museums and flying into buildings you can clearly see that blind faith does exist. But it's not a good thing.
2015-05-30 4:05 am
What difference does it make if God exists if all he does is matchmake while people die in wars and natural disasters?
2015-05-30 4:38 am
Faith exists, but it isn't really just acting like God exists even though you're not completely sure. Faith is more like trusting that God is behind your life, to put into thought and practice that God is really there with you for everything that happens.

As for the extra question, that's pretty muchhow it works for all things. Where your entire life has ended you up in the present is because of the sum of all your choices. If you weren't watching TV you would've never seen a trailer for a movie you liked, and didn't know it existed by the time it came out, and because you didn't see the trailer you walk past it every day without even thinking about it.

Another example is to think of your favorite song that isn't mainstream and never played on the radio or talked about. Think if you didn't decide to scroll through "Recommended Videos" on youtube and click the song that was at first just a title and a band name that had no value, then you never would have found that song and you'd be missing out.
2015-05-30 4:09 am
If you thank him for things good happening to you, you have faith in him. Whether you have doubts of his existence is of little concern because he sends you good. As for the crush in the store, that's your doing because you knew the crush is there and you went in to see.
2015-05-30 4:04 am
Hebrews 11:1-faith is the assured expectation of things hoped for.
2015-05-30 8:43 am
If you followed him after the first time that that you saw him, you would miss him.
According to you ex, you lost him because you did not follow him and it was your fault. I promise you that he will show himself to you. But remember not to lose him again.
2015-05-30 5:49 am
Yes, faith DOES exist, m'dear. The example you describe might be viewed as a "coincidence" but it also might be viewed as something that happened that God has "arranged" to happen. There is an EXCELLENT book out there called, "Jesus On Trial," by David Limbaugh. In it he cites someone who calls these types of incidents as a "God-incidence" as opposed to a coincidence. I find that to be a very good term to use.

Make me to know thy ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths. Lead me in thy truth, and teach me, for thou art the God of my salvation; for thee I wait all the day long. (Psalm 25:4-5)

MARANATHA! Come, Lord Jesus, COME!
2015-05-30 5:30 am
The word "faith" in the English translation of the Greek texts is a translation of the Greek word "pistis". Pistis is a super strong belief in something so that a person is compelled to say and do everything that is in agreement with that pistis. A person who has "pistis" that Jesus is the Son of God will read the Gospels, memorize everything that Jesus said to do and not do, and then put into action in his life every command of Jesus.
2015-05-30 5:04 am
Faith and here's why. Two wisdoms colliding creates deeper wisdom. If love is introduced, creation and life gets enriched. Do you agree?
2015-05-30 4:07 am
Read Heb 11:1-40.

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