What do the angles mean in my chart? What are the differences between Aspects, Plants, and Houses? .?

2015-05-29 11:44 am
1. Is a low angle better than a bigger angle, what degree is more like the sign, less like the sign, etc.?
2. What's the widest an angle would go?
3. What do the houses refer to in my planet chart and why are they numbered that way?
4. What are aspects referring to and what do they mean?
5. Why do I have 3 different charts and any idea on how I can go about reading them. I do not understand the angles and houses and what they mean.

Sun 22° 56' Taurus 10. house
Moon 21° 23' Aries 9. house
Mercury 13° 57' Gemini 10. house
Venus 28° 56' Gemini 11. house
Mars 24° 18' Aquarius 6. house
Jupiter 15° 15' Taurus 9. house
Saturn 01° 52' Capricorn 5. house
Uranus 01° 11' Capricorn 5. house
Neptune 09° 22' Capricorn 5. house
Pluto 10° 42' Scorpio 3. house
Vertex 26° 48' Capricorn
East Point 13° 59' Leo

Square Sun/Mars 01° 22'
Conjunction Sun/Jupiter 07° 40'
Sextile Moon/Mars 02° 55'
Trine Venus/Mars 04° 38'
Opposition Venus/Saturn 02° 56'
Opposition Venus/Uranus 02° 15'
Trine Jupiter/Neptune 05° 54'
Opposition Jupiter/Pluto 04° 33'
Conjunction Saturn/Uranus 00° 41'
Conjunction Saturn/Neptune 07° 29'
Conjunction Uranus/Neptune 08° 10'
Sextile Neptune/Pluto 01° 20'

Ascendant 29° 23' Leo
2nd house 19° 10' Virgo
3rd house 15° 08' Libra
4th house 18° 54' Scorpio
5th house 27° 38' Sagittarius
6th house 02° 01' Aquarius
7th house 29° 23' Aquarius
8th house 19° 10' Pisces
9th house 15° 08' Aries
Midheaven 18° 54' Taurus
11th house 27° 38' Gemini
12th house 02° 01' Leo

回答 (1)

2015-05-29 4:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
What you've got here is a written description of your chart; it's a lot easier to try and understand if you actually look at a picture of your chart and if you get it from astro.com everything is clear to see.
The planets provide certain types of energy, the signs show how they're used and the houses show where their energies are best used or most suited to be used.
When planets are at a recognised distance apart by degrees of the zodiac, (a Greek word meaning circle of animals), they make aspects to each other and the distance apart shows the type of aspect. Different aspects give different results. The easiest one to understand is a square, (90 degrees apart), which is self explanatory really; it's when two planets are squaring up to each other and trying to be dominant over each other. This will give inner conflicts in your life but they also can spur you into action so they're not just hard to use but can give benefits once we understand what's going on. An aspect doesn't have to be exact though so each aspect has an allowance either way of exact which is called the orb of the aspect.
You have your Sun square to Mars with an orb of 1 degree, (forget about the minutes following it), which means Mars is 91 degrees apart from your Sun. The orb for a square is plus or minus 8 degrees of 90. Taurus is a conservative style of sign, a bit of a plodder but will get there in the end but Aquarius is far from conservative and wants to do things instantly and maybe even unconventionally. So you may be somewhat impatient and reckless even sometimes; maybe you do things without thinking of the consequences. If this is you then it may be that you need to take more notice of your Sun's needs sometimes and so maybe you become more self assertive and finish things off more than not.
The conjunction is two planets close together, within 8 degrees of each other from 0 degrees apart.
Sextile is 60 degrees apart, plus or minus 4 degrees. This is a useful aspect but it needs sort of coaxing into action to bring beneficial affects maybe. Anyone who has a sextile aspect should keep an eye on the opposition to the midpoint of the two planets because when a planet transits this position, plus or minus 1 degree, it makes what's known as a yod aspect formation and so can be an important time for them in some way. (Transits are where the planets are now in the sky and you can find where they are easy enough).
Trine is a very smooth flow of energy between two planets which are 120 degrees apart, plus or minus 8 degrees.
Inconjunct is two planets 150 degrees apart, plus or minus 2 degrees; the same applies as a sextile aspect regarding transits; when a planet comes within 60 degrees of either planet, plus or minus 1 degree, a yod aspect formation is formed. (Aspoect formations are when more that 2 planets are aspecting each other.
The opposition is when two planets are 180 degrees apart, plus or minus 8 degrees. These two planets need to have their energies balanced in order to work together otherwise one can dominate the other; not always, it does depend to a certain exten on the rest of the chart.
You have Saturn and Uranus conjunct and Venus is opposite them; this is a bit weird to figure out actually because Uranus is just about the opposite of Saturn as you can get; unconventionality against conservatism, possibilities of being rebellious or different somehow but in a purposeful way; hopefully not being rebellious just for the sake of it though. This is in opposition to Venus's needs and influences in the 11th house of wanting to cooperate in friendships and group situations, be impartial and fair etc Uranus in your 5th though needs you to be unique and different from the crowd though; Saturn can give difficulties blending in here sometimes; it maybe that you have difficulties truely expressing or being just who you think you are or should be. Saturn and Uranus is quite a difficult aspect to understand in some ways though. In theory it's about using old ways but giving them a new and unique sort of twist maybe and using the new ways but retaining some of the old tried and trusted bits. So maybe in your case, Venus opposite could actually be quite beneficial in both areas of life.
I hope I haven't baffled you but if you are interested you should get a book on astrology maybe. Have a look at the Bob Marks Astrologer site; that's quite a good one if you start at the begining of the Lessons bit.

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