If you don't believen ghosts then explain this?

2015-05-29 4:05 am
What's with the whole Amityville Horror ordeal? Apparently it was completely true. I personally don't believe in ghosts or paranormal stuff because it hasn't happened to me. Not really much of a question, but I guess what are your thoughts on that?

回答 (22)

2015-05-30 9:34 am
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I do believe in ghosts, and even I can explain this.

The Amityville Horror is not apparently real. It's been busted many times over as complete fiction. The whole thing was exposed as a hoax before you were probably even born.

The murders were very real, and the house is still very real. Only the exterior of the house was used in the movie, and the house doesn't look like that anymore. All the interior scenes were filmed in a studio, no scenes were shot inside the building. The Lutz family and the author they hired first claimed their story was entirely true, but they couldn't keep their details straight about what happened and how it happened. After a series of particularly nasty lawsuits (including a divorce), too many people admitted that the whole thing was just made up. It was presented as a true story because that's how to make it really sell.

And that's the explanation coming from someone who does believe in ghosts. Because I also believe in living people.
2015-05-29 4:10 am
Look, there isn't any good evidence of ghosts for a reason. If a town in Ireland swore they had a leprechaun running around, does that means it's true or that the average IQ of people is pretty low. You'll always hear about a story about bigfoot, aliens, the loch ness monster, whatever that is 'completely true'. But that's all you get: a story. Amazingly, no good evidence is ever collected for any of these things. I like evidence...
2015-05-30 4:28 am
To clarify some things, The Amityville Horror is completely fictional... At least what the movie depicts it to be. I'm from a town over where Amityville is, and because of that, I hear a lot about it. The man (Butch DeFeo) who killed his whole family was actually insane. No hauntings, nothing. People actually live in 112 Ocean Avenue today, however if you look for the house, you will have a hard time because they changed the address to keep tourists away. The movie is a complete dramatization of what actually happened. If you want to know the full story, there's a documentary of the Amityville Horror on Netflix!
2015-05-30 8:05 am
There I was expecting some exciting new evidence or amazing new phenomena supporting the existence of ghosts, but it turned out to be boring old, long debunked, Amityviille Horror again.

2015-05-29 4:40 pm
I dont reject paranormal but I dont believe in stories on personal experiences. But I would like to hear or see evidence of unexplained phenomenon happened to two or more people at the same time and same location. Those are rare. That is what forcing me to believe personal experiences are just hallucinations or they are dumb enough to explain it rationally.
2015-05-29 5:55 pm
"Apparently". Come on, man.

Apparently the Lutz family experienced stinky, green slime pouring out of the ceiling and through the walls. Where did this mysterious goo come from? And more importantly, where did it go?

Anyone can tell stories, especially when it's good for making money.
2015-05-29 2:14 pm
There were many stories supporting that this happened and many that claim it did not. The sceptics tend to go for the latter, as it is not as taxing on the brain and doesn't frighten them as much.
2015-05-29 4:19 am
Ghosts are completely real. I like to think more about Angels though. My grandmother has heard her guardian angel before. She was going to be late to work one day so she was speeding up a hill. While she was going up the hill she heard a voice that said "slow down". She did not know what it was so she ignored it. So the voice yelled "SLOW DOWN!". So she did and she went over the hill slowly and there was a deer in the middle of the road. She would have hit the Deere and might have even died if she did not listen to her guardian angel. Plus where do you think our spirits go when we die? I'm sure that they don't just disappear. So there is your proof.
2015-06-01 9:28 pm
Our world is composed of energy. As physical beings living in a world composed of energy, we are made of energy. Because we are exposed to so many elements, our body oxidizes, as metal rusts once exposed to oxygen for so long. After the physical body withers, our soul, or consciousness, moves on. Someone who has been high on marijuana would know the feeling of consciousness; it's like your awareness is the only thing which exists. That is what happens in the spiritual world; that consciousness (or spirit or soul) leaves the physical body, yet remains.

Relative to ghosts, you could say that that is what occurs. If spirits materialize, it is because they are still attached to the physical realm they once inhabited, some would say "unfinished business." Essentially, they were not ready to move on.
2015-05-30 4:46 am
I believe in the paranormal but I'm the last person to accept anything at face value. I have seen bizarre things. Things that if I hadn't had another person with me to confirm what I just saw I would have taken myself straight to the hospital for treatment. I'm still not going to believe every creepypasta on the net. Thankfully most of anyone's worries can be explained with science, sadly some can't yet. That's why there are legitimate parapsychologists working from one angle as science and theology work from the others.

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