Any must-go places during business trip to Silicon Valley Bay Area?

2015-05-28 2:51 pm

回答 (2)

2015-05-28 6:47 pm
For a large city, San Jose is about as generic and boring as it gets.

The downtown bar scene is vibrant, kind of like a mini San Diego GasLamp but with Cops everywhere. It is called the San Pedro Square Market and its full of restaurants, sports bar like where locals watch sports. Lots of good food.

The Winchester Mystery House will keep you busy for a few hours if ghosts and history are your thing.

The new SF 49ERS stadium and museum is fun.

The Pro soccer team has a new stadium but you can see it as you fly into SJC. Los Gatos and Campbell have nice little downtowns full of resto's and bars. Santa Cruz is about 45 minutes West of San Jose via HWY 17.
2015-05-28 5:43 pm
You can tour Yahoo or Google.

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