Is it possible that we have already invented time machine but we are prevented from knowing it?

2015-05-28 12:07 pm

From the experience gained from watching various movies about time travelling, I concluded basically two different types. 1st is there is only one universe. When you go back in time to change the past, you think you are changing the past but the past has always been changed. 2nd is when you change the past, you create another parallel universe. So, question is, if some secret organizations have already invented time machine, it is likely that some extremeists would use it to change some


significant history such as killing off hitler before he instigates WWII. If there is only one universe, then hitler would have never instigated WWII. As a result, we would have never had memory about this person. So...?

回答 (9)

2015-05-29 3:16 pm
Time travel is simply possible.
However, Can we travel through time? I doubt it.

What we may be able to do is reconstruct someone in the past that is from the future.
By sending something similar to photons through time as data we read back in the past.
2015-05-29 7:34 pm
I think that the conservation of matter and energy prohibit an infinity of parallel universes.
2015-05-28 9:38 pm
Movies are not science classes !!!
And no time traveling is not possible, it goes against the theory of relativity.
2015-05-28 7:00 pm
Your premise is flawed and illogical. You can't judge a physical theory by the fictional portrayals in movies.
2015-05-28 3:43 pm
Philosophically you are correct.
If you could alter time for EVERYTHING it would be like "groundhog day" every thought and feeling you have would have been that which you had AT THAT TIME.
Ergo you could not know that anything was different.
It would be impossible to KNOW that time had changed.
2015-05-28 12:37 pm
2015-05-28 12:12 pm
as it stands now even theoretical time travel in the science fiction sense is inconceivable

we simply dont know what could make it possible, let alone design a machine capable of such

that we arent broadly in the scientific community aware of what might be used or manipulated to produce a time travel device suggests that its extremely unlikely someone has in our time developed such a device

the only outside chance might be that a future human has developed a time travel device and "shipped" one to a secret group
2015-05-28 12:08 pm
No, because time is just a concept invented by man. The present is all there is. What's dead is gone forever. You can't spin the earth and bring it back.
2015-05-28 12:17 pm
no, it no0t......noone can make the time machine....if would einstein was done with that

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