英文句子文法問題 急

2015-05-29 1:23 am
What does not kill me makes me stronger turning bad breaks into blessings
文法上有問嗎 譯回中文意思是什麼?

回答 (4)

2015-05-29 5:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
“What does not kill me makes me stronger turning bad breaks into blessings”

文法上有問題, 是 run-on sentence


What does not kill me makes me stronger by turning bad breaks into blessings

如果是標題, 書名
What does not kill me makes me stronger: turning bad breaks into blessings
作者 Maxine Schnall

這句 “What does not kill me makes me stronger” 取自尼采名句
德文是 “Was mich nicht umbringt, macht mich stärker.”

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (尼采) 是德国著名哲學家。西方现代哲學的開創者, 唯心主義

殺不死我的,使我更堅強 -壞的突變(或破裂) 變為祝福

大概的解釋:(based on Maxine Schnall's book)

如果你的行為或我的人生經歷没有置我于死地,那就會使我更堅强.意思就是說, 人生不如意事常八九, 我們要勇于面對各種行為或經歷,在困難面前不要恐懼後退, 勇于去克服困難, 從中吸取經驗, 最终會使自己更堅強, 這樣心態才能走出困境,化危機( crisis) 為轉機

2015-05-30 20:03:02 補充:
Colon = The sign (:) that is used in writing and printing to introduce an explanation

這本書名內有使用冒號 colon, 在 "stronger" 後面, "turning" 前面
參考: Yahoo 字典; 德文與資料取自 Internet
2015-06-02 10:05 am
不能置我於死地的只會令我變得更強, 並把一切都轉成祝福
2015-05-29 8:33 am

German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) said that:-
"What does not destroy me (by incident/event)
makes me stronger."

"Bad incidents (falling upon me)
into blessings !"

We are lucky enough to be survived the stronger for an incident.

You can think yourself blessed if you didn't get worse.
2015-05-29 2:07 am
呢句成個係個書名 (http://www.amazon.com/What-Doesnt-Kill-Makes-Stronger/dp/0738208604),所以文法上冇問題

"What does not kill me makes me stronger" 係 Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900)
講ge,佢係個German philosopher and poet,詳情呢度> http://www.quotecounterquote.com/2011/05/what-does-not-kill-me-makes-me-stronger.html

當我成功渡過咗一個好難 (難到差D殺死我) ge 難關之後,我就會變得更強。
what does not kill me makes me stronger
將不幸ge事情 轉為 祝福
bad breaks turn into blessings

唔係用google translate, all by myself:)

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