
2015-05-28 3:07 am
Do you believe in ghost if so have you have an encounter with one? Tell me your story

回答 (10)

2015-05-28 7:47 am
Why is it that every second newbie who comes through here can't figure out that this question has been asked tens of thousands of times before, usually several times every day? Here are 17,609 questions asking about "paranormal experiences": And another 67,354 for "ghost stories": Here are 71,347 questions about "haunted houses": Ask again after you work your way through those.
2015-05-28 7:02 am
No, sorry I don't believe. Extraordinary claims (such as ghosts) require extraordinary evidence. The only evidence we have for ghosts are stories (anecdotes). There are numerous reasons why people may *think* they see ghosts while there are no valid scientific reasons to suggest they exist at all.
2015-05-28 4:59 am
When my Aunt Bathsheba and Uncle Jeffrey died I was lucky enough to inherit their small house, at least I thought I was lucky at first. Aunt Babs had been a lovely lady but Uncle Jeffrey was rather a lecher, he was always leering at the nieces and cousins and liked to hug them rather too warmly.

At first when my husband and I moved into the house things were fine, I enjoyed hanging my paintings, and buying new curtains and the place had a friendly welcoming feeling.
Soon however things began to change, I felt a creepy eerie sensation I felt like I was been watched all the time. Sometimes I came home to find that my underwear drawer had been opened or that my knickers had been taken out of the laundry hamper.
When I was showering the curtain would move mysteriously like someone was drawing it aside to peek.
I tried to think it was just a breeze and I was becoming forgetful but the uncomfortable feeling only increased.
The final straw came when I was having relations with my husband, I was on top and my thoughts were anything but creepy when all of a suddenly I distinctly felt a hand grasp my buttocks. I screamed in fear, my husband tried to tell me it was just a muscle cramp but I knew what I had felt.

The next day I called a psychic medium with a fine reputation, she was no sooner in the house when she half closed her eyes and said "I sense a presence, a male with a G or J sound in their name"
"Jeffrey?" I gasped "My uncle?"
"Yes" agreed the psychic, "an older man that says his name is Jeffrey"
"Oh my God" I said "It must of been him that was grabbing my bum last night."
"I think it was, would you like me to sage your house and get rid of the negative spirits" asked the psychic "usually costs $700 but I'm offering a discount for March, only $450 plus tax."

I declined her kind offer, that very afternoon I called the real estate agent and put the house up for sale. It sold quite quickly to a elderly single lady, I felt guilty at first off loading a property with the lecherous Uncle Jeffrey still lurking but the lady says she has never been happier.
2015-05-28 7:01 pm
The ghosts or spirits are entities of demons, there is no other definition, therefore they exist and manifest themselves, not at all. Ok!
2015-05-30 1:25 pm
hello i believe this world have ghosts, because i have seen it once. no matter where are you , also have ghosts. they looks like black shadow.... (i live in Hong Kong actually)
2015-05-28 11:11 pm
There are a Lot of "Flakes" out there who believe in "Ghosts" who just think they are "cool" and never encountered one.
I have encountered the phenomena we CALL "ghosts", anyway.----A whitish humanoid form that flopped around and vanished after a few seconds.. As two other people saw it too, and I eliminated the chance of illusion, hallucination or trickery, it WAS real.---HOWEVER Even seeing the phenomena myself, I MUST admit THAT is NO PROOF it was an actual "Ghost"----At best only phenomena we TAKE for "Ghosts".
I do not know what it was, only a "Humanoid form that flopped around and vanished in a few seconds"
I know of NO phenomena known to current Science that looks and acts like that---and I AM a Scientist , but STILL it is no proof that it was an actual "spirit of the dead"----just something unexplained for now.

Besides, I do not care what one sees or if it IS real, How would you prove it was a "Ghost" in the sense of a "spirit of the dead", rather than just some unknown natural phenomena?---It is best to go with the unknown "Naturals" than make the serious , and groundless leap of an actual "soul" or spirit of the dead".
2015-05-28 1:21 pm
I have to agree there is a spirit world where the dead of this Earth go . If they hang around , and make themselves scary or are a nuisance , then something is not right and has to be fixed. Some spirits , like people that are living just don't want to give up, or let go. Sometimes, a person with that kind of ability can catch a glimpse or sense a spirit. This can be unsettling . Trying to make sense of other worldly spirits . What can we reference that to?
2015-05-28 7:22 am
I believe there are some entities that we never seen. That`s all. I never encounter with one of them but i love to.
2015-05-28 3:28 am
Yes. I do. Because it is my personal experience. I have seen a big man with doggy face in my room. This not a dream. I and my friends, 3 of them was also seen it at the time.
2015-05-28 3:09 am
My son told me that he was renting an apartment in Little Rock Arkansas once and every night he would hear the water come on in the bathroom or find some of his things moved around. The manager finally confessed that a woman had died in that unit.....he moved!

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