Can someone help me figure out, in English, what feelings this Japanese is trying to convey?

2015-05-28 1:03 am
言葉で伝えようとしても, 伝わらないだけの時間が経ってしまったのかもしれない

I think it's trying to express uncertainty at whether or not they'll be able to understand each other with words or something? I'm probably way off (haha). It would be nice if someone could help me out and give me an accurate translation/break it down for me. Thanks in advance!

回答 (1)

2015-05-28 3:24 am
で伝えよう = to let oneself know/ to convey
としても= although

伝わらないだけの時間 = the time that you can't convey
が経ってしまったのかもしれない = maybe will be passed (time)

It means, Although you (not exactly "you" because there is no subject in this sentence) want to convey something, but maybe time will passed while you not doing it

So this japanese probably mean you should not hesitate when you want to convey something to someone, because time is passing

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