Is this strep throat or worse??? Help!?

2015-05-26 10:25 am
So about a year ago last summer i got a really bad cold that accompanied runny rose soar throat etc. I never get sick so it sucked and it lasted a few days. Problem is i got over the cold but my soar throat never went away. EVER. Not one day since last summer. In the last few months its been extremely difficult to swallow and i wake up from bed barley being able to breath and swallow. And this is an EVERY SINGLE DAY thing. I have noticed it gets worse at times when I eat chile but even when i dont its horrible painful. My glands have been a bit swollen too. I went to my doc she said it wasnt strep throat and might be acid reflux so gave me some pills took 4 a day for a week or so and it never worked. So she prescribed different stronger medication and ive been taking it for about a week and i dont see any difference i honestly feel like its getting worse. Ive been in this horrible pain for a year and im really to die !!! Please help with any possibilities of what it might be as my doctor doesnt help me and says its just "irritated" but if ive having a horrible time breathing ans swallowing I think it might be more and dont want to end up with throat cancer or anything bad :(

回答 (1)

2015-05-26 3:45 pm
Sounds typical of reflux given it is affected by eating chillies.
Keep taking your medicine and talk to your doctor about modifying your diet to reduce symptoms.
Another possibility that your doctor may already have ruled out is a sinus problem and post nasal drip causing irritation.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 01:53:21
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