有Present Perfect Tense 問題問問

2015-05-27 1:35 am
我係2012年5月15日買左個洋娃娃,咁我係當年5月17日將個洋娃退返俾間舖頭,想問問我宜家可唔可以講"I have bought a doll."

回答 (3)

2015-05-27 3:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
no. you can't. because you dont have that doll anymore. you returned the doll to the store. you should use "I bought a doll". i think it's better than "I had bought a doll."
參考: myself
2015-05-28 6:48 am
唔得,因為當年你已經退回俾店主,現在你是沒有的,如果你寫你自己買咗是錯誤,應寫成“Although I had buy a doll at 15-5-2012,I had return to the shop
2015-05-27 4:40 am
Shirley was all dolled up to play with sillily 3 yrs 10 days ago.

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