what is passive voice ?

2015-05-26 1:58 am
想問下passive voice &astive voice 有咩唔同?
麻煩俾啲example &exercise &講解一下

回答 (5)

2015-05-26 3:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
passive voice =被動語態
e.g.The vase had been broke by the boy.

active voice=主動語態
e.g.He broke the vase.

exercises: http://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises_list/passiv.htm

希望能幫到你 ^ ^
參考: yahoo.com.hk
2015-05-28 3:53 am
passive voice =被動句子

i "WAS ATE BY" a lion
2015-05-28 3:50 am

The sentences in black are written in active voice.
The sentences in color are written in passive voice.

1. The reporters are interviewing the performers.
The performers are being interviewed by the reporters.

2. The Film Club will organize a film festival this summer.
A film festival will be organized by the Film Club this summer.

3. The Actor had played the role before.
The role had been played by the Actor before.

4. Was the audience enjoying the show?
Was the show being enjoyed by the audience?

5. The writer has not finished the script yet.
The script has not been finished by the writer yet.
Active: I play that toy every day.
Passive: That toy is played by me every day.
Active: He took away her book last week.
Passive: Her book was taken away by him last week.[Present Tense]
Active: I hide the box.
Passive: The box is hidden by me.

[Past Tense]
Active: I hid the cat.
Passive: The box was hidden by me.

[Future Tense]
Active: I will hide the box.
Passive: The box will be hidden by me.
* 時態 Tense
* 句子結構 verb to be + past participle
一些動詞的不同形式也要注意,看看這個帖,學習不同的 past participles:

2015-05-26 5:03 pm
You broke the vase yesterday. ~ active voice (past simple tense)
The vase was broken by you yesterday. ~ passive voice (past simple tense)

You have just broken the vase. ~ active voice (present perfect tense)
The vase has just been broken by you. ~ passive voice (present perfect tense)

2015-05-26 09:22:51 補充:
Past participle 用在所有 passive voice,

am/is/are/was/were/(will be) + past participle ~ simple
am/is/are/was/were + being + past participle ~ continuous
have/has/had/(will have) + been + past participle ~ perfect

但 in active voice, 只用在 perfect tense 上
have/has/had/(will have) + past participle
2015-05-26 3:08 am
Active - 你打死一隻曱甴

Passive - 一隻曱甴被你打死

2015-05-25 20:05:46 補充:

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