Bathroom soap dish smells?

2015-05-25 12:01 am
I moved the soap dish in our bathroom and afterwards there was a horrible smell. My mom says it's because there's two holes at the bottom so I was wondering what it was and what we can do because the smell was horrendous. The two holes at the bottom are very small should we just toss it?

回答 (3)

2015-05-25 1:38 am
scrub well with old toothbrush and dawn dish detergent. if that does the job your not out anything but your energy, if it does not work try white vinegar. after that if the problem still exists, purchase a new one.
2015-05-25 12:53 am
You might as well toss it in favor of a solid material soap dish. Maybe something glass, or stainless steel, or wooden with slats to keep the water off the soap or the bendable plastic ones with the fingers to rest the soap on.

But honestly...I have also used a lid from a pickle jar. You might like something plastic such as from a peanut butter jar. Use it inside up. The soap rests on the edges and the water collects on the upturned lid.
2015-05-25 12:02 am
I'd toss it and buy a new one, they are fairly inexpensive. The smell is probably mold.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 11:22:24
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