What do I need to do in order to get to BUD/S?

2015-05-24 10:02 pm
I'm new to the navy, just got to my first command about 3 weeks ago. My career counselor is terrible and has no intentions of helping me, so it seems. I bombed the Asvab with a whopping 46, which I know is terrible and I am capable of scoring at least a 60-65. All I want with my career in the Navy is to go to BUD/S and became a SEAL. I need to know what steps I'm going to take to get there. My pst scores right now:
Run: 9:00
Push up: 92
Sit up: 88
Pull up: 18
500 yd swim: 8:20

So I know I can pass a PST, I just need to know who to contact and if I can even do anything with that asvab score I have right now.
Thank you.

回答 (5)

2015-05-25 2:17 am
First, you will need to retake the ASVAB. Then, wait around couple of years before requesting to crossrate.

Read "PATH 2" of the Application Steps below:
2015-05-24 11:00 pm
If your command career counselor is not assisting you then go through your Leading Chief to the Command Master Chief if necessary. For the love of God, didn't they teach you anything about your chain of command at Great Lakes?
參考: Retired Chief Petty Officer
2015-05-24 10:27 pm
wait two years after a school

then go to the seal wabpage

it tells you how to apply
2015-05-24 10:11 pm
your ASVAB does NOT allow you to request a SeAL challenge. so until you can retest( in 2 years) you are dead in the water.
2015-05-24 11:25 pm
You need 250 score on the ASVAB.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 01:52:39
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