我先生因為上一段婚姻在台灣且滿五年…所以可以取得台灣的長期居留証APRC,不願回美國,我們倆結婚了,也在户政機關登記了,可是因為他太討厭美國了,又喜歡台灣…而我卻因為此煩惱!?…原因是這樣的…因為先生提早退休…年紀也比我大許多,當初結婚前…本來是說好去美國居住的,他也答應了,殊不知結婚結後,他竟然大賴皮…賴皮不離開台灣,怪也自能怪我自已…竟沒想到他可以賴在台灣…而且可合法居留!…間題是我因無法拿到美國公民…因此只要他相關配偶的福利,我一個都享受不到…包括他的IRA的相關高利息的存款,我無法存入,因為我不是美國公民;另外、一但我滿67歲且他不幸過世後,每個月的配偶撫慰金約…六萬台幣 ,我也領不到…每次想到,就問自已,難到要放棄!?…我們今年約好去美國渡蜜月…我是否可以利用這段時間…要求他去美國先登記結婚?拿到綠卡再說,不一定要住滿三年?…或須要去美國在台協會AIT先辦相關証件或去AIT報備什麼嗎?
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2015-06-04 10:03:30 補充:
There is nothing you can do.
Regardless, without his cooperation, you are getting nowhere.
1. Your eligibility as a potential immigrant is based on the marriage. So he must be the one sponsoring you. Without his signature (as well as supporting document), you can't even pass the first step.
2. Even he is willing to sponsor you, the second issue will be physical presence. Recently, CBP has tackled many permanent residents without intention of permanent residence. These people are ended up giving up the residence or a major fight.
3. Even you are willing to stay by yourself, USCIS will criticize your legality of your marriage, given your husband is not with you.
Bottom line, in short, without him, you are stuck.
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