請問 rather than

2015-05-24 12:06 pm
Rather than allow the vegetables to go bad, he sold them at half price.

請問主要子句是 sold,為何前面可以是原形的 allow 呢?謝謝!

如果是因為省略了 to 的話,但主要子句並沒有 to V? 前面依然可以省略 to 嗎?


謝謝羅莉大師的回答,因為這是奇摩字典 rather than 的例句,所以我很好奇會是錯誤的嗎… 感謝您釐清我的疑問! 另外可否麻煩您也看一下我的另一個英文相關問題,謝謝! 【too / either?】 https://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=1015052200186&mode=w&from=question&recommend=0&.crumb=GCIVrUWvqTj

回答 (2)

2015-05-24 6:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
rather than是對等比較,前後的動作形式與時態應保持ㄧ致。

Rather than allowed the vegetables to go bad, he sold them at half price.

Rather than went home for Christmas with her family, Tracy stayed at her office to work overtime.
參考: 羅莉 - 英文文法
2015-05-24 4:00 pm

All past tense:-He sold them at 1/2 price.
(1)The situation allowed no delay.
(2)Vegetables go bad cannot be allowed.
The past participle:-
(3)Allowing for vegetables to go bad, it will take him to sell at 1/2 price !------good !
The present tense allowed:-
(4)He must allow (admit) vegetables to be good.

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