Can I buy tools and other stuff for work so I can put them on my taxes?

2015-05-23 7:50 pm
I would like to buy my own tools for work and other necessities that my employer may be willing to buy but I'd rather do it so I can put them on my taxes. Am I allowed to do this?

回答 (5)

2015-05-23 11:29 pm
No if your employer does not REQUIRE you to buy them. Even if they were required, you most likely couldn't deduct them. And even if you could, you'd spend $100 to save maybe $15 on your tax - would that make any sense when you'd still be out of pocket the other $85?
2015-05-23 8:38 pm
Technically, no. You can put some things on your taxes if you had to pay for them with your own money, but your situation is different. If your employer is willing to pay, and you decide to not to have your employer pay, then you cannot put them on your taxes.
2015-05-23 10:39 pm
only if you use Sch A and are able to claim more tha 2% of your AGI under misc deductions
I doubt very much if this situation is available to you
2015-05-24 3:51 am
Let your employer buy them. If you buy them the best you can do is break even and even that is unlikely because of the 2% miscellaneous deduction exclusion.
2015-05-24 3:44 am
You can if you ITEMIZE your taxes.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 01:54:56
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