Have a 2000 honda civic ex and it hesitates when starting up? Sometimes it starts right up other times it hardly starts? Fuel filter?

2015-05-23 5:07 pm

回答 (7)

2015-05-24 8:36 am
How old is the battery?
Any Corrosion on the battery cables/posts?
Is the check engine light on? If so, get the codes (Go to Autozone and borrow the scan tool - free to use)

A fresh tune-up may be all that's needed.

First, check:
Air Filter
Spark plugs & Wires
Oil viscosity - How recent was your change? Proper oil?
Fuel filter

Other things to check:
Starter Relay
Starter Solenoid

You mentioned it's intermittent, or sometimes has this issue.
This indicated the higher possibility of an electrical flaw and I am leaning toward the ignition system, being the problem area.
2015-05-30 8:06 am
I can tell you that if you recently purchased that car or have had it for awhile that in many cases ppl tend to neglect the, air filter, fuel filter.I have an older civic and what I did when I bought it is changed the fuel filter, plugs, checked the wires and all the vac lines, plus cleaned the battery post and any related grounds.Besides that I did the brakes, checked the tires, went over all the metal lines and checked the fluids, belts etc.

With a problem like yours I'd want to be sure that the battery posts and battery cable connectors are clear of any rust or corrosion and I believe you car is like mine the other end of the negative post cable runs to the frame just behind the battery.Be sure you disconnect it and clean the connector and surface well with sandpaper or a wire brush etc.I'd be surprised if those connections aren't some what rusted etc and also be sure to check the starter connections with the negative battery disconnected.

The starter or fuel pump or the main relay could be faulty or have bad connections.Make sure that the car interior lights aren't flickering or your head lights etc bec that could indicate bad connections or a faulty voltage regulator or a bad alternator or loose/bad belt and it can even be a battery that has bad cells in it etc.

On those cars I'd really want to check the PCV valves bec sometimes their location causes ppl to neglect them.For example the 97 Civic EX have the PCV valve hidden way up under the vehicle on the side of the engine and are a headache to access.Cleaning the throttle body, EGR Valve and other sensors might help, plus check the EGR valve solenoid.

Here's a few things I'd also try run some gas treatment like STP through a tank of gas and then drive the car a bit on the second tank of gas and then change the fuel filter.You may want to change the fuel pressure regulator bec those too are neglected , can if bad or weak cause fuel pressure issues that end up causing starting issues.If you had the proper equipment you could test the fuel pressure when trying to start it and as it's running.

Maybe get yourself a battery tester or a voltage meter or a 12volt test probe.Test the battery before you go to start the car, while the car's running idling and during the day while out and about and at night after you park the car for the day.Then compare the battery voltage in the morning and if the voltage is much lower then it was the night before then the battery might be getting drained by an alarm/security system or another device etc.Otherwise it could be bad cells in the battery. You may want to have the charging system and battery plus starter tested by a shop or some auto parts store bec some do it right in the parking lot for free.Remember that bad connections as I mentioned can also cause extra draw on batteries.The voltages you might want to go by is around 11.5-12v with the car and key etc off and once idling a bit you should see voltages around 13.7v to 14v .Again those are just estimates but you should for sure see if the battery dropped in voltages after started and didn't go up to well over 13 volts you for sure have a charging or battery issue etc.

Hope that helps and best of luck.By the way old caps, bad rotors, ignition modules or faulty connections in the ignition system can also cause moister build up and weak spark etc.Honda Civics are known to have a ignition module that might fail at times but usually an engine light and code will be involved but not always does a comp system detect such faults.
2015-05-24 4:22 pm
If you are having hot start issues, it's probably an electrical problem. Check the fuel pump relay wiring.
2015-05-23 8:25 pm
Its been doin this for about a year, had the idle cleaned which helped, gave it it tune up, didt do much, sometimes when I floor it, it hesitates, like its running sluggish...
2015-05-23 6:09 pm
If its an older car, look at the condition of the distributor cap and rotor.
2015-05-23 5:37 pm
Anything from a weak battery to a fuel problem. You'll need to be more vivid with your description.
2015-05-23 5:09 pm
try changing the spark plugs

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