Are self proclaimed "nice guys" are just as bad as bad guys?

2015-05-22 8:55 pm
These self proclaimed "nice guys" seem the worse, you guys complain about a girl putting you in the "friend zone" but in reality, she really just doesn't like you in that way. You're not nice when you feel that she should be obligated to date you. Would you date a girl just because she's nice, but you just don't see her in that way? No

And here's the ol "girls only go for jerks" saying, this is not true. I highly doubt girls purposely go for jerks, if she does than she's stupid oh well than that's her fault. Just because the guy ends up screwing her over at the end doesn't mean he was a original jerk she purposely went after. So why do self proclaims think they're so perfect?

回答 (4)

2015-05-22 9:02 pm
My God, *yes*. You nailed it. 100%.

My best friend once asked me out and after I politely turned him down, he didn't speak to me anymore. What the honest hell? So you didn't value my friendship at all and you only wanted to get in my pants? *eye roll* It's beyond absurd. And don't get me started on the "girls only go for jerks" line. I see happy couples all the time who don't treat each other badly. Don't condescend to girls just because you're bitter. Ugh, drives me nuts.
2015-05-22 9:01 pm
The self-proclaimed "nice" guys only act nice in hopes of getting into a relationship.
2015-05-23 12:18 am
Eh, they're all guys. And any guy who says he doesn't feel something or think about sex(not be obsessed with it, just think about it) when talking to or getting to know an attractive female is either lying or gay. And anyone who fancies themselves the better choice for women in general has probably got some issues with narcissism. And if narcissism could be oversimplified, it could be said it's a defense mechanism for low self-esteem. Many of the self-proclaimed, nice-guys have issues with low self-esteem. And so they feel they need to compensate by being super nice. "any girl worth having wouldn't be attracted to ME, only what I can do for her. Only by being better than other guys can I be worthy of a worthy female" or so they think. They're pretty normal guys way deep on the inside, and can be attractive to normal females. But they believe they're defective, so they never let their inner self show, feel they have to trick women into liking them, dating them, or having sex with them.
2015-05-22 9:10 pm
Yeah I never got that either, in fact I like "bad" guys more than typical nice friendzoned guys, at least they're honest... Those "nice" guys are just shy and sly, they always strike me as phonies. There are obviously genuine nice guys, like me ;) but I think a guy should know how to adapt to each situation, sometimes you have to be "bad", other times "nice"

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