why did i get in trouble with the police for strapping a firework to a squirrel and then light it?

2015-05-22 12:28 pm

回答 (12)

2015-05-22 12:32 pm
If I were profiling behavior I would say you might be a possible serial killer.

I read a lot of detective novels.
2015-05-22 12:31 pm
Stop calling your little brother a squirrel.
2015-05-22 12:29 pm
I hope somebody put firework in you and light it
2015-05-22 12:29 pm
2015-05-24 2:08 pm
Troll score: D-
2015-05-23 8:30 pm
That is cruelty . You deserve jail
2015-05-22 3:34 pm
Please punch yourself in the nuts.
2015-05-22 1:01 pm
ASPCA and PETA along with about 300,000 million reasons!!!
2015-05-22 12:57 pm
You'd get in deeper trouble with me. I'm not the police and I like the lil guys. But, yes the police would give you some trouble too.
2015-05-22 12:54 pm
Because they know that people like you, if this were true, become serial killers. (How are those claw scratches and bite marks healing?)
2015-05-22 12:41 pm
it was a real squirrel it looked quite cool in slow mo
2015-05-22 12:32 pm
The answer is in your question.

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