English Grammar Problem

2015-05-22 8:53 pm
我今日上午去ABC Central Library借左本故事書,我宜家係街,無帶本故事書出街。假設宜家間圖書館無左,唔駛還本書,想問問我宜家講"I have borrowed
a story book from the ABC Central Library." 有無問題。

回答 (3)

2015-05-23 2:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
I have borrowed a story book from the ABC Central Library無問題
2015-05-23 8:34 am
Be living on borrowed bk,on borrowed time, on when Library were expected to die !
2015-05-22 10:48 pm
I borrowed a story book from ABC Central Library.

收錄日期: 2021-04-15 20:13:23
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