Is using those words normal?

2015-05-22 3:42 am
Middle aged (around 50) married man sending emails to younger women saying "hi my dear" and "love" "stay beautiful" for closing every time. He would chase lots of girls before he got married few years ago and it sounds not just greeting.

回答 (3)

2015-05-22 6:21 am
definitely tell him to stop, if she doesn't - report to HR. totally unacceptable behaviour for a colleague
2015-05-22 5:45 am
Tell him it makes you feel bad.
2015-05-22 5:03 am
Unfortunately for him, he likely has no idea that it's creepy and ikky and they don't like it. He thinks he's a guy who is just flirting. They think he's kinda creepy. It's not a normal thing to do. But I bet that men around 50 who THINK they look 35 and THINK they are charming to the young girls do it even if they mean nothing by it. But the girls think it's creepy. Oh well.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 01:52:04
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