what do you think about "juno" as a boys' name?

2015-05-21 8:35 pm

回答 (8)

2015-05-21 8:40 pm
2015-05-21 8:37 pm
He might be gay and get picked on alot
2015-05-21 8:58 pm
I hate it! All of think of is the movie Juno... How about Jude ?
2015-05-21 8:53 pm
I think "You want your boy to be a goddess?!"

And then I think "Why don't you go with Bruno if you like that sound so much?"
2015-05-21 8:59 pm
Juno is ok but sounds like the capital of Alaska and sounds like a dinosaur or dog name
2015-05-21 8:55 pm
Juno and the peacock. :D
2015-05-21 9:16 pm
I think "Juno" is a lovely name for a girl and a boy. Its unique and I haven't heard the name used for a boy but I'd say use it if it has any meaning to you or if its a family name or even if you just like the name. Remember Its going to be you're child's name and there's nothing worst then Juno? Maybe Juno can be shorten for a nickname like JayJay or something like Juno Tyson um Idk J.T? Well like I said its going to be you're child's name so don't listen to the others because of what they say if you really love the name go ahead. good luck with the names as well! :)
2015-05-21 8:38 pm
that's adorable

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