stupid biatch ex still contact me.?

2015-05-21 8:33 pm
I hate that biatch. He's a biatch. What should I say to him?

回答 (6)

2015-05-22 11:04 pm
nothing. if you ignore him, he may get the idea. leave him alone and he may do the same with you.
2015-05-21 9:39 pm
Biatch I hate you Biatch. Biatch I hate you Biatch. Biatch you stupid Biatch I hate you Biatch
2015-05-21 9:28 pm
do not respond or check with your phone provider on how you could block his number,
2015-05-21 8:45 pm
"Please stop calling me. I have nothing to say to you and no interest in anything you could say to me."
2015-05-21 8:40 pm
I hate you biatch
2015-05-21 8:38 pm
When he calls/texts you either do not even respond and he will eventually give up. You could also, when he contacts you, say "Who is this?" That will deflate his ego.

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