Girlfriend's period still hasnt come?

2015-05-20 11:47 am
My girlfriend and I had unprotected sex twice this month, but I pulled out and she's on birth control. She's taken every pill this month, but she missed a couple the past 2 months. I'm thinking since she has taken all of them this month and she's had a lot of stress lately, her period may be late. I'm really scared though. Her period was supposed to start on Monday. It is now Wednesday morning and it's still not here.

回答 (2)

2015-05-20 12:14 pm
She wouldn't be considered "late" on the pill unless she gets through the entire inactive week without any sort of bleeding at all. But she can take a pregnancy test now, if she likes.

Uncertainty is stressful too.
2015-05-20 2:46 pm
If she doesn't have a period by the end of the "period" week, then she needs to take a test. Lauren I used to take birth control my period came on Tuesday for years. Then it started on Wednesday for 2 years. And after that it was all over the place. So it's normal for her period to sometimes shift around a bit during the period week.
I wouldn't worry unless the week is up and there's still no period.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 01:53:24
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